Time flies so fast

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Best Nights of My Life

I was tagged by Van

Rule: Name five of the Best Nights of your Life and then tag four people.

October 23, 1997 - Che and I were officially together. He gave me a smack on the lips inside the car. Very funny and very memorable.
June 2, 2005 - The night that Che gave me the engagement ring in Davao. It was over dinner which he cooked for me.
February 26, 2006 - Our wedding day. Good times.
February 28, 2006 - First honeymoon night at El Nido Miniloc. Imagine, a great resort, peaceful environment and no TV.

I hardly remember dates but I still have some more best nights. But since I only have to choose 5, the fifth choice will be one of my best travels (best travel night specifically!)

Mid 2002 - The night I spent in the viewing deck of the Eiffel Tower together with my friend Anne. We then walked along the park surrounding the Eiffel Tower. There is really something about Paris that makes it sooo romantic.

I am tagging Mec, Marj, Gracita, Nette

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