Time flies so fast

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Fetal Heartbeat

Yesterday, Che and I went to our OB Gyne for our scheduled appointment. I texted my OB hours before the visit if we can hear our babies' hearbeat using a doppler device. She texted back and said yes we can try.

I was very excited as i lie in bed. Funny how the doppler device looks like. It's like a mini phone. After seconds of massaging the thing in my abdomen, we found one hearbeat. It was 169 beats per minute. Then we looked for the other baby's heartbeat. The second heartbeat that was detected was also 169 and my OB said there should be a difference of at least of 10beats for the twins. So she continued on searching. We heard another one and then the unexpected happen... the doppler device run out of battery! We were so bitin. But the doctor said, it was fine because we found two heartbeats naman. The last one was faster.

We were bitin and would love to repeat it again.

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