Time flies so fast

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Archuleta or Cook?

Just finished watching the season finale of American Idol. I couldn't help but blog about it.

Round 1

Cook - Very good. I thought he was handsome! I heard a lot are already saying this but I just couldn't see that until tonight.

Archuleta - It's more like a winning song! Superb! Too early though to declare victory.

Round 2

Cook - Good but very forgettable.
Archuleta - Good. Slightly better than Cook.
Couldn't wait further for Round 3.

Round 3

Cook - I could feel his emotions while singing the song but just so-so for me. I think a bad choice of song for a finale.

Archuleta - I'm blown away! Really. I never thought that song could be that touching.
Verdict: Archuleta for the win!

I feel like Simon Cowell here. Haha. Well, Archuleta has always been my bet. His voice is very powerful for a 17 year old kid. And I really think he pulled it off tonight! Crossing fingers the voters will agree with me.
I may sound cheesy here. Haha. Forgive me, this is the only show that I watch frequently (not even consistently though). Can't wait for the results!

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